International Symposium Pulp Fiction 18
Endodontic’s Enthusiasts Meeting on 1st – 4th of December 2016odoncji 1 – 4 grudnia 2016 r.
Serdecznie dziękujemy za spotkanie Wszystkim Uczestnikom XVIII edycji Międzynarodowego Kongresu Pulp Fiction, które odbyło się w dniach 1 – 4 grudnia w Krakowe. Jak co roku, mieliśmy okazję posłuchać It is the 18th time that an International Dental Symposium Pulp Fiction will take place. This years’ meeting will be organised in cooperation with Penn Univeristy, Philadelphia (USA).
As every year, we have invited lecturers from all over the wolrd to share their knowledge and experience with the attendees. Our participants will have an opportunity to find out the newest research and technical novelties from the dental world. We also provide a chance for relax during the leisure time. The congress will take place in Krakow at the “Best Western Premier” Hotel on 1st-4th of December 2016.
Wednesday, 30th of November 2016
15.00 – Endodontics Curriculum Examination, Edition 2016 organized by Polish Endodontic Association (PTE)
Thursday, 1st of December 2016 (lecture language Polish)
08.00 – 13.00 Registration
09.00 – 13.00 Hands-on workshops
I: Interpretation of the panoramic and CBCT images – Dr Tomasz Zbożeń II: Up-to-date obturation techniques – available methods, choosing gutta-percha points and sealer
– Dr Bartłomiej Karaś
14:00 – 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 – 15:10 Welcome speech
15:10 – 16:40 Minimally invasive edndontic access. Ninja access – success or seeming tissue saving?
– Dr Bartłomiej Karaś
16:40 – 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 – 18:30 Biocompatible materials in endodontic treatment – Prof. Mariusz Lipski
18:30 – 19:30 My practice & my solutions – Dr Monika Dzieciątkowska
20:00 – 21:00 Polish Endodontic Association Members’ Meeting
21.00 – 03.00 Dinner and Evening – Techno Party (theme costumes are welcome)
About 22:30 Results of the “Endo Liqueur 2016” competition – main prize “Endodontic Device”
Results of the “The Best Costume” competition – main prize “Endodontic Instrument”
Friday, 2nd of December 2016 (lecture language English)
07.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 09.30 Update on Medical Issues Affecting a Dental Practice in 2016 – Dr Brian Sarter
09.30 – 10. 00 The Management and Restoration of Missing and Microdont Lateral Incisors from Adolescence to Adulthood – Dr Joseph Rava
10.00 – 11.00 Update on CBCT’s: its many uses for endodontics – Prof. Samuel Kratchman
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 Conventional pretreatments, showing Terauchi’s File removal system, etc.– Prof. Samuel Kratchman
13.00 – 14.30 Clinical approach for endodontic disinfection (practical and clinical point of view for endodontic disinfection since instrumentation up to laser irrigation) – Dr Ruben Rosas
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch
15.30 – 17.00 Minimal invasive endodontics (definition, controversies and clinical steps associated with minimally invasive root canal treatment) – Dr Ruben Rosas
Or alternatively:
When tooth is seriously compromised: how implantology can be a successful option – Dr Carlo Saccone & Dr Michele Perelli
17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break
17.30 – 19.00 New standard of safe anesthesia in dental practice dealing with esthetic medicine – Dr Natalia Stachera
Or alternatively:
Implantology in Esthetic Area: Clinical and Critical factors – Dr Michele Perelli
19.45 – 20.45 Leisure time
21.00 – 04.00 Dinner and Evening in Live Music Club
Saturday, 3rd of December 2016 (lecture language English)
07.00 – 10.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 10.30 Regeneration in endodontics – a new era in clinical endodontics – Prof. Bekir Karabucak
10.30 – 11.30 The making of an individual smile, case acceptance, challenges & solutions – Nasser Shademan
11.30 – 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 – 14.30 Non-surgical retreatment and Micro-surgical Endodontics – Prof. Arnaldo Castellucci
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch
15.30 – 17.00 Diagnosis and treatment of accidental root perforations – Dr Guillaume Jouanny
17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break
17.30 – 18.30 Bioceramics in Endodontics – Dr Guillaume Jouanny
18:30 – 20.00 Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth and Modern Dental Adhesives – Dr Richard B. Goldman
20.00–21.00 Leisure time
21.00 – 04.00 Gala Dinner with Live Music, Pulp Fiction Night (ladies as Mia & gentlemen as Vega from the “Pulp Fiction” or other characters from Q. Tarantino’s movies – theme costumes are welcome)
22:30 Official diploma handing-in ceremony and a group photo with lecturers
Contest of Pulp Fiction dance – Prize: “Endodontic surprise”
Sunday, 4th of December 2016
07.00 – 11.00 Breakfast
11.00 – 14.00 Leaving time
Best Western Premier Kraków (
ul. Opolska 14a, 31-323 Kraków Tel.: +48 12 376 37 00
Dr Wojciech Bednarz
In 1986 he graduated from Medical Academy in Wroclaw. Later on he has received a PhD degree with his research on gum recession treatment
Prof. Arnaldo Castellucci
Prof. Castellucci graduated in Medicine at the University of Florence in 1973 and he specialized in Dentistry at the same University in 1977. From 1978 to 1980 he attended the Continuing Education Courses on Endodontics at Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry and in 1980 he spent four months in the Endodontic Department of Prof. Herbert Schilder. Since then, he has a limited practice on Endodontics. Active Member of the Italian Endodontic Society S.I.E. since 1981, in 1982 he was elected in the Board of Directors of the Society where he worked as Scientific Advisor, Secretary Treasurer, Vice President and lately as President in 1993-95. Active Member of the European Society of Endodontology E.S.E., he was the Secretary in 1981-83. He is Active Member of the American Association of Endodontists A.A.E. since 1985. He is Active Member of the Italian Society of Restorative Dentistry S.I.D.O.C. since 1992. He has been the President of the International Federation of Endodontic Associations I.F.E.A. in 1990-92. From 1983 to 2000 he has been Professor of Endodontics at the University of Siena Dental School and from 2001 to 2011 he has been Professor of Endodontics at the University of Florence Dental School. He translated into Italian the text "Clinical and Surgical Endodontics. Concepts in Practice", by Frank, Glick, Simon and Abou-Rass. He has been the Editor of "The Endodontic Informer", and of "The Italian Journal of Endodontics". Is the Editor in Chief of "Endo Tribune". He is also the Founder and President of the "Warm Gutta-Percha Study Club". He published articles on Endodontics in the most prestigious Endodontic Journals. He is the author of the text "Endodonzia", which now is available in the English language in three volumes, distributed by the Editor Martina, Bologna. He is Founder and President of the Micro-Endodontic Training Center in Florence, where he teaches and gives hands-on courses on nonsurgical and surgical Endodontics and where he has trained several thousand dentists microscope-assisted endodontic techniques. International lecturer, he gave presentations at National and International Congresses in Argentina, Brasil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Israel, Ireland, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Peru, Poland, Syria, Spain, Taiwan, Rumania, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela.
Dr Monika Dzieciątkowska
Monika Dzieciątkowska graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Lodz Academy of Medicine in 1994. She achieved grade 1 specialty in General Dentistry and has over twenty years of experience in the field of Endodontics and Prosthetics. She has always been passionate about endodontics and for some time has also been fascinated by aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics. She runs her own dental office in Lodz.
Dr Guillaume Jouanny
Dr. Guillaume Jouanny received his DDS degree from the University of Paris Descartes in 2008. He practiced General Dentistry and Endodontics in Private practice from 2008 to 2012. He was clinical assistant from 2010-2012 in the same University in Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics. He moved to Philadelphia to specialize in Endodontics in 2012 at the University of Philadelphia where he graduated in 2015. Since 2015 he has been practicing Endodontics in Paris in private practice and teaching Endodontics at the University of Paris Descartes.
Dr Richard B. Goldman
Dr. Goldman is a 1974 graduate of SUNY/Albany (B.S. Geology), and a 1981 graduate of the SUNY/Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine (D.D.S.). He performed a one-year General Practice Residency at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Buffalo, New York from 1981-1982, and earned his Fellowship from the Academy of General Dentistry in 1990. In 2001, after 20 years in clinical practice in New York City, Dr. Richard Goldman became Parkell’s Vice President for Clinical Products. While still maintaining a research practice at the company’s manufacturing facility in Edgewood, NY. Rich’s input to Parkell’s chemists and engineers is essential in their development of new products, by providing them with the dentist’s perspective on their ideas. He is an active member of the American Dental Association, the New York State Dental Association, the Suffolk County Dental Society, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Suffolk County Forensic Dental Society, the American Association for Dental Research, the International Association for Dental Research, and the Suffolk County Medical Reserve Corps. He is proud to have assisted the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office in 2001 in the forensic identification of the victims of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, as well as the victims of the crash of American Airlines Flight 587. Dr. Goldman has spoken to dozens of professional gatherings such as dental study clubs, hospital residency programs and universities on a variety of topics. Dr. Goldman enjoys customizing his presentations for the group he is speaking to. He always speaks with the lights on, using lots of direct, face-to-face communication. He encourages audience participation, and enjoys answering questions as they arise.
Prof. Bekir Karabucak
Prof. Bekir Karabucak graduated from the Istanbul Univeristy (Turkey) where he received his DDS degree. Then he continued his education at the University of Pennsylvania, where he gained DMD degree and MS in Oral Biology. Next he finished his postgraduate endodontics training at Penn University. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and fills the position of Interim Chair of Department of Endodontics at Penn University. He also is a Director of the Division of Advanced Dental Education School of Dental Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Director of Postdoctoral Program at School of Dental Medicine and a practicing endodontist. At the same time Dr Karabucak is an attending physician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He also works as Endodontics Clinic Director at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. He is a beneficiary of many proffessional awards, a member of scientific societies. Besides he is an author and reviewer of many publications and a lecturer often presenting at congresses.
Lek. stom. Bartłomiej Karaś
He has graduated from the faculty of Dentistry at Wroclaw Medical University. His main professional interest is the use of dental microscope in endodontics. He is a member of Polish Society of Dental Ergonomy. In 2012 he has received a Certificate of Polish Endodontic Association. He cooperates with the research section of the Polish Endodontic Association. He is a participant of many endodontic congressess and workshops and an author of many articles in professional journals. He is an Opinion Leader for Kerr Endodontics.
Prof. Sam Kratchman
Prof. Sam Kratchman was born and raised in New York. He received a B.S. in Biology and a D.M.D. both from Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. Sam then entered the University of Pennsylvania, where he received a certificate of endodontics, and currently serves as an Associate Professor of Endodontics and the Assistant Director of Graduate Endodontics, in charge of the microsurgical portion of the program. Prof. Kratchman has authored several articles and chapters on endodontics and intentional replantation for the Microsurgery in Endodontics textbook, and the Dental Clinics of North America. He also developed a patented instrument called the S Kondenser for the obturation of root canals. Both Main Line Today and Doctor of Dentistry magazines honored Dr Kratchman as the cover story for their "Best of " issues. Prof. Kratchman lectures on several topics of endodontics throughout the United States, Europe, Scandinavia, South America, and Asia. He also maintains two private practices, limited to endodontics, in Exton and West Chester Pennsylvania.
Dr Michele Perelli
Dr Michelle Perelli graduated in Dentistry and Prosthodontics at the University of Turin in 2001. He attended different post-graduate course mainly based on Periodontology and Implantology in Italy and in U.S.A. (in 2007 – 2008 at the Department of periodontology – Penn University, Philadelphia U.S.A.) and in Prosthodontics (2009 – 2010 dr. Gracis S – Milan – Italy).Currently he works as a tutor in the Oral Surgery Department of the University of Medicine - Turin. He is a speaker at courses and conferences on topics of Periodontology and Implantology mainly focused on short implants. Since May, 2015, he is a Core-member of GAO Forum.
Dr Joseph Rava
Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine (1987-1991) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gettysburg College (1983-1987) Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Professional Affiliations:American Dental Association (1991-2016) Pennsylvania Dental Association (1991-2016) Chester/Delaware County Dental Society (1992-2016) Academy of General Dentistry (1991-1997) Community Service Community Volunteers in Medicine Dental Clinic (1998-2014) National Children’s Dental Health Month Professional Service: US Healthcare Executive Advisory Board (1991-1997) Professional Awards: Invisalign Preferred Provider Best of Philadelphia – General Dentist Best of Main Line – General Dentist
Dr Ruben Rosas
Dr Rubén Rosas received his DDS degree in 2001 from University Latin of México at Celaya. In 2005 he received a Certificate in Endodontics from Autonomous University of Querétaro. He is the chairman of the Guanajuato Association of Endodontists, Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics in University of De LaSalle Bajío and member of the Reviewer Board for the International Endodontic Journal. Dr. Rosas has won the "National Endodontic Research award in 2013" He is user of Operative Microscope since 2006 and his practice is limited to Endodontics in Leon, Guanajuato, México.
Dr Brian H. Sarter
Dr. Sarter has authored or co-authored over 30 papers in the field of Electrophysiology which have been published in major Cardiology Journals. He is a member of the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, the American Medical Association, and the Pennsylvania and Delaware Medical Societies. In addition, he is a Fellow in the American College of Cardiology.
Tech. dent. Nasser Shademan
Nasser Shademan, a unique dental technologist, professional painter & scupltor, photographer and make up artist with unprecedented artistic values, is well regarded by world renowned industry leaders for his outstanding knowledge and technical skills. He is the founder of Micro Aesthetics, a concept dedicated to the art of Micro fine natural aesthetic dentistry that emphasises on three dimensional aesthetics in harmony with facial forms, Skin color, texture and gender characteristics. His technical knowledge in different restorative mechanisms combined with his extensive skills in art, enables him to design the finest dental restorations that fascinate most demanding patients including renown celebrities with higher cosmetic demand. Nasser is the world's first ever ceramist to introduce restorations with micro figures that are skilfully painted within porcelain layers with finest detail imaginable. They include portraits of famous personalities, works of Michelangelo, Da Vinci and of course portraits of patients in sizes that is barely visible to our eyes. He is known as a very innovative dental technologist with a great hand in providing solutions in the most complicated combination situations. Well known for his technical ability in engineering outstanding restorative mechanisms, Nasser has developed the world's first ever non-surgical screw retained gingiva system (Mona Lisa removable gum) for implant and nonimplant supported restorations with life-like aesthetics. Nasser understands the complexity of designing smiles for an individual face and in recent years, has developed a revolutionary "20 minute aesthetic smile design" concept that is regarded as a very effective and quick communication tool especially for high-end aesthetic dentistry. He collaborates routinely with prosthodontists in different parts of the world including US, Australia, Europe and Asia. Nasser has presented lectures and hands-on courses regionally and internationally, while his articles on aesthetic dentistry are published in dental journals throughout Asia, Australia, and Europe. He is the Managing Director of ORAL MAX, considered one of the most sophisticated restorative laboratories in the Asia-Pacific region, strictly dedicated to the highest quality aesthetic restorative work. The centre incorporates his specialised restorative/aesthetic laboratory together with advanced training facility that offers continuing postgraduate education for both clinicians and technicians.
Lek. dent. Natalia Stachera
Natalia Stachera is a graduate of the faculty of medicine & dentistry on the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. She has completed a postgraduate studies "esthetic medicine for Doctors". Dr Stachera works as faculty staff on the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. She has already earned a meaningful scientific and didactic experience. As a student she was awarded by Student's Scientific Society for her participation in National conferences. She is a winner of the "Golden Reamer" contest for the best sutent's work. Her papers are published in proffessional magazines („Magazyn Stomatologiczny”). Dr Stachera is a member of Polish Society of Anatomy.
Lek. stom. Tomasz Jerzy Zbożeń
Lek. stom. Tomasz Zbożeń Has graduated from Medical University of Silesia in 2005 r. He Works alongside his father in a dental practice In Kielce. He runs workshops in Endodontics practical implementation of 3D Digital Implantology. Member of the Polish Endodontic Society, member of the American Endodontic Society (AAE). He undertook doctoral studies at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education at the Medical University of Lodz. He enrolled in the Endodontics Department of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) in Philadelphia.